Tan Thanh welcometo hcmc association of mechanical electrical enterprise visit the factory of semi trailer

On March 15th, Tan Thanh was very pleased to welcome to HCMC association of Mechanical Electrical Enterprise visit the factory of Semi Trailer
Ho Chi Minh City Mechanical – Electrical Enterprise Association is a professional social organization that brings together managers, technical specialists and other units working in the mechanical engineering industry of various economic sectors in Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh City, aiming to invest energy and effort in the development of mechanical engineering – electricity in accordance with the policy and laws of the State.
Tan Thanh Company is very honored to be a member of Ho Chi Minh City Mechanical – Electrical Enterprise Association. This is the bridge for Tan Thanh and other businesses to contribute to the mechanical engineering – HCMC in particular and the country in general.
Speaking at the ceremony, Ms. Tran Dieu Canh – General Director of Tan Thanh Company shared the process of formation and development of Tan Thanh in general and the Semi Trailer plant in particular. She wanted the members of the Association to co-operate, to tighten the relationship in the near future. The General Director wishes all the guests a chance to visit, experience, exchange knowledge is useful and interesting.
Source: Marketing Team