Sealco Relay, American technology top

Relay valve is an important part of semi trailers. They help release steam during braking. The faster the exhaust is released, the shorter the braking time and braking distance is. This makes it possible for drivers to respond promptly in emergency situations. Therefore, the selection of relay valves is also extremely paid attention to by Tan Thanh. Through this article, we hope you will understand why Tan Thanh chose to use relay valves from Sealco brand and the importance of the Sealco relay valves in the brake system on Tan Thanh semi trailers.
The importance of the Sealco relay valves in the brake system on the Tan Thanh trailers
When in an emergency situation, the operator will depress the brake, the gas (steam) will be taken out by the air divider so that the brake mechanism will be activated automatically, and lock the wheels when the pressure has been reduced to the necessary level. During the vehicle operation on the roads from North to South, the driver will surely encounter many bad roads with many potholes, sharp turns, or unexpected situations like accident, collisions on the road. Therefore, the relay valves’ exhaust speed largely affects drivers' handling in bad situations.
The relay valves from the Sealco brand are judged by many experienced drivers to be more sensitive and durable than other relay valves on the market today. In addition, Sealco relay valves are also considered to contribute to light braking, fast speed of release, no braking when releasing the brake and this type of relay valves does not leak during operation. That is also the reason why Tan Thanh, a leading company in Vietnam in the field of trailer production, can trust and use Sealco branded relay valves on its products.
In early August 2014, Tan Thanh signed a business cooperation agreement with Sealco, under which Tan Thanh would be the official Sealco importer and distributor in the Vietnamese market.
Sealco is a 100% US owned company with over 60 years of experience in the field of manufacturing and supplying equipment and spare parts for the automotive industry. Sealco is recognized as a leading supplier of pneumatic brake valves, electrical equipment, anti-lock braking systems for trailers in North America and many countries around the world. Sealco's success is due to its strong commitment to continuously innovating and improving the quality of its products and services. All of Sealco's products are designed, machined, fabricated and assembled in the United States in compliance with strict technical standards.
However, at present, many garages/stores use counterfeit goods, and fake goods to cheat customers. It is not easy to distinguish between genuine and fake products. There is a way that repairers often apply to distinguish, i.e. to observe the engraving and printing of the brand's logo on the surface of genuine parts and accessories often made logos with big, clear lines, delicate. Counterfeit goods are often printed with fuzzy logos, fuzzy barcodes, logos are not engraved as big and clear as genuine goods. In addition, it is possible to distinguish the real and fake goods by the serial number on the product.

Sealco relay valves were designed and manufactured in 2009 with a lower cost than the old ones, the RE (relay emergency valve) type, which is a type of dual function valve that combines the function of the remote control air valve and emergency valve. The first effect of this valve is to overcome brake delay because it will take too long for air to be transferred and fully loaded from the pull-head brake pedal down to the back of the semi trailer. The second effect is to urgently brake when the airway is disconnected or leaking. When the supply pressure drops below the minimum, this feature is performed automatically. In addition, during normal operation, the valve also synchronizes the brake pressure of the tractor and the trailer. This valve has a minimum inlet pressure of 4.5 lbs, valve is made from aluminum alloy, light weight 2.5 lbs. Excellent performance, easy installation and repair, quality guaranteed by Sealco.
Cóc chia hơi Sealco được thiết kế độc đáo cho sơmi rơmoóc hai trục và ba trục để phân phối không khí đồng đều đến tất cả 4 và 6 khoang khí tương ứng. Khuyến cáo không sử dụng cho cụm rơmooc chuyển đổi, trục nâng hoặc trục rơ moóc có bàn xoay.
Cóc chia hơi Sealco đã được cấp bằng sáng chế, cung cấp thêm lực phanh khi phanh khẩn cấp hay dừng gấp.
The Sealco relay valve is uniquely designed for the two- and three-axis trailers to distribute air evenly to all 4 and 6 air chambers respectively. Not recommended for use with the transfer trailer, lift shaft or the trailer shaft with turntable.
Sealco relay valve was granted with patent, providing additional braking force during emergency braking or stopping.
Some pictures of Sealco steam relay valves to be equipped on Tan Thanh trailers
Therefore, to best ensure when you need to replace spare parts and repair trailers, you should consider choosing reputable units with clear business locations, long operating time to avoid the risks of encountering fake products.
Hopefully, with the above information and reviews, you will have a better understanding of the semi-trailer relay valves so that you can properly replace, maintain and take care of each vehicle properly, helping the vehicle operate in a durable manner more, reducing the dangers that arise on your routes.
Tan Thanh is a leading prestigious company with more than 25 years specializing in containers and trailers. Tan Thanh always applies the international standard management and production process to bring you the best quality products and services.
If you need advice on spare parts of trailers, please contact Tan Thanh immediately to get advice and support.
Tân Thanh Container
Hotline: 0968 039 939
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