This website is operated by Tan Thanh Container. Please read the Terms & Conditions carefully before using or registering on this website. You must fully agree to these terms and conditions if you wish to use the website. If you do not agree to any part of these terms and conditions, you will not be able to use this website in any way.
Note that this website is intended for worldwide access to its users.
The information and prices on this website are applicable to users worldwide.
We reserve the right to refuse access to this website at any time without prior notice.
Access to this website is conditional upon your agreement that all information contained on the website and all matters arising between you and us shall be governed by the laws of Vietnam and that all Disputes arising between you and us will be based on the jurisdiction of the courts of Vietnam.
When using this website, please agree that:
1. You accept financial responsibility for all transactions made under your name and account.
2. To have legal capacity, you must be 18 years of age or older.
3. You warrant that any information you provide about yourself and about anyone else is completely accurate.
4. This website must not be used to perform false or fraudulent registration acts.
5. Any distribution of threatening, defamatory, obscene, political, or racist material or any other illegal or provocative material is strictly prohibited through this website.
6. You may not modify, copy, transmit, distribute, sell, distribute, or license this website and any portion of its content in any way except to the extent that you reproduce information Information from this website is for your personal and non-commercial use only.
When making a registration through our website, please feel free to enter into a direct (legally binding) contractual relationship with us. The conditions of subscription include limitations and exclusions of liability, and cancellation and change fees payable if the subscription is canceled or changed after it has been confirmed. We recommend that you carefully read the applicable registration conditions when making your registration. Conditions of subscription include limitations and exclusions of liability, and cancellation and change fees payable if the subscription is canceled or changed after it has been confirmed.