Vietnam has many opportunities to export Molluscous to Eu market

Vietnam's mollusk exports to the world markets in the first 2 months of this year seem to have not seen a consistent growth between the 2 product groups. While the export value of cephalopods (squid, octopus) still tended to grow by 18.5%, the export value of bivalve mollusk decreased by 25.2% over the same period. period 2011.
According to Vietnam Customs, the export value of squid and octopus in the first 2 months of the year reached nearly USD 67 million, of which Korea and Japan - the two biggest markets for squid and octopus import from Vietnam accounted for over 60% of the total value. Vietnamese first-leg mollusk export. Although the export value to these two markets in February showed signs of decline compared to January, compared to the same period last year, the export value still increased quite strongly, respectively 84.4% and 157.8%. . For the first two months of this year, the export value of squid and octopus to Korea and Japan maintained the double-digit growth rate, respectively 15.9% and 41.5% over the same period in 2011. In contrast, the export value of bivalve molluscs exported to these two countries was not satisfactory, in particular: to Korea decreased by 46.5%, to Japan decreased by 56.8%.
The EU is considered as one of the key and potential markets for Vietnamese seafood, especially for the cephalopod, although the import regulations on this market are quite strict. This time, the public debt crisis in Europe has tended to calm down, which partly creates opportunities for Vietnamese seafood products to increase export value to the EU, especially mollusc products.
Particularly in February, the export value of molluscs to the EU reached US $ 6.4 million, down 15.8% from US $ 7.6 million in January but increased by 59.8% over the same period last year. , bringing the total export value of this commodity in the first 2 months of 2012 to nearly US $ 14 million, up 4.5% compared to the first two months of 2011. In addition, the export value of bivalve mollusks exported to this market. in February reached 3.7 million, up 15.3% over the same period last year, but overall the export value of the first 2 months of 2012 decreased 9.8%.
The Vietnam Trade Counselor in the EU said: “Many seafood products, agricultural products, textiles,… of Vietnam have been accepted by European customers. But in 2012, the EU changed a number of policies related to preferential treatment for developing countries, instead of providing for groups of goods, they can now regulate market share or split the number of exports. of each country entering the EU. With this approach, it is likely that some products of Vietnam will be pushed out of the list to enjoy preferential regulations as before. Accordingly, the inspection of flora and fauna will become more stringent. On the other hand, the EU is also drafting regulations on product labeling, so it is imperative that Enterprises need to study more carefully about the laws in order to increase the export volume to the EU. ” And as such, my mollusk is no exception.
In the opinion of an economic expert, the difficulties of the EU market are also an opportunity for Enterprises to export Vietnam to review and improve their business strategy. Compared to other developing countries, Vietnam's export growth (by volume) is still positive because our country exports to the EU mainly essential household goods such as footwear, agricultural products, and aquatic products. ... so the demand for Vietnamese goods up and down with prices is not too great.
Despite facing many obstacles when exporting to the EU, Vietnamese exporters still have many opportunities to exploit their potential in this market because the economies of some countries in the bloc are still relatively strong. However, exploiting the EU market well is not easy. Enterprises exporting mollusks in the country must know how to combine price competition and learn more about the EU market such as legal issues, tariff preferences, intellectual property ... in each country in the region to push strongly export and increase the value of export goods to this market in order to bring in a larger source of foreign currency for the country.