Tan Thanh held a drill of fire prevention and fighting at the Semi trailers factory

Implementation of the Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting (Fight Prevention and Fighting) and Decree No. 79/2014/ND-CP dated July 31, 2014 of the Government detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting and the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law of Fire Prevention and Fighting, Tan Thanh Company has cooperated with the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police in Nha Be district to organize the professional training of Fight Prevention and Fighting for the local Fight Prevention and Fighting forces and organized a coordinated fire drill at the Tan Thanh Semi trailers factory located in Hiep Phuoc Industrial Park. Participating in the training, there were the staff members working in Tan Thanh.
At the training session, the representative of Nha Be District Fire Prevention and Fighting Police Department disseminated basic knowledge about fire and explosion, safety measures for fire prevention and fighting, procedures for handling in case of fire and explosion.
The situation set out in the drill was as follows: At 9:00 am on November 21, 2015 at the production area's circuit breaker, a fire caused short burst. The fire is capable of spreading to the entire production area and continuing to spread to the surrounding area by the space due to the flammable manufacturing materials, according to the ability of the flame to radiate heat. In addition, under convection of air a fire could develop on upper floors. If the free fire lasts for a long time, the high temperature fire will have a long impact, it will destroy the building structures, emit a lot of toxic fumes, making it difficult to escape, save people, save property, especially the area. the floor adjacent to the fire area. There are 2 people trapped in the painted Semi trailers that could not get down and needed to be rescued.
When an employee detects a fire at the factory, alarm all employees and everyone knows (shouting, using signals, 01 person) to guide everyone to escape in order. Security forces with team leaders take attendance and report back to the number of people in the factory who have escaped the safe area; Fire alarm for the fire prevention police force at phone number 114. Power off the whole plant. Organize the attendance of all officials and employees in the factory (02 responsible persons). During the escape process, use a mask, wet towels to escape. The police of Fight Prevention and Fighting of Nha Be, after receiving the fire alarm, immediately mobilize 02 fire trucks and 01 elevator to the facility. Establish a fire-fighting command board including: Professional fire commanders and grassroots leaders. Organizing reconnaissance to grasp the situation: 03 comrades wearing masks, breathing cylinders entering the fire area, grasping the situation of the fire, observing the area and taking the victim out of the fire area (if any).
At the end of the drill, Team Fight Prevention and Fighting Tan Thanh and Police Department of Nha Be District had a meeting to learn from experience, realizing that the drill had correctly implemented the proposed hypothetical situations and achieved good results.
Some photos at the Fire Prevention and Fighting drill: