The 2012 Labor Conference

The 2012 Labor Conference

On February 26, 2012, Tan Thanh Company held the 2012 Labor Conference. Attending the conference, there were Mr. Tran Cong Khanh, Chairman of Thu Duc District Labor Federation, members of the Board of Directors and a large number of employees representing more than 600 employees of Tan Thanh company.

The 2012 Employee Conference was organized to enhance the direct democratic rights of employees, to facilitate conditions for employees to know, consult, decide and monitor relevant issues related to their rights, interests, obligations and responsibilities. Also through the implementation of direct democracy at the Conference of Laborers, it builds harmonious and stable labor relations, contributing to the prevention and limitation of labor disputes. Speaking at the Conference, Ms. Tran Dieu Canh - General Director reported on business results in 2011. Although the domestic economy and the world faced many difficulties, inflation and interest rates increased, Tan Thanh has run production and business effectively. The 2011 revenue was estimated at about VND 500 billion. The income of employees in 2011 had continuously improved compared to 2010. Implementing the motto of safe and efficient production last year, Tan Thanh Container has thoroughly grasped and implemented very well working hygiene and safety. The whole company has not not let fire and explosion happen, there is no serious occupational accident, the working condition of workers have been improved. The employee's welfare policies are given close attention by the company and implemented quickly on the principle of benefits for the employees. After that, the conference also proceeded with collecting opinions of employees on the collective labor agreement. All opinions agree with it, which shows that employees always sympathize and share with businesses in difficult circumstances.

Mr. Tran Van Hung – The President of the trade union of Tan Thanh getting opinions from employees

Representing a large number of workers at the conference, Mr. Vu Dinh Hung expressed his sincere and deep gratitude to Tan Thanh’s trade union executive committee for standing by side with the workers through the past difficult times. Mr. Hung said: “People here come from many different rural areas, work hard first for their family and for contributing to the company. Workers' income is not high but they have to bear the burden of daily activities for families and children so their lives are even harder. Thanks to the loan from the Trade Union's fund, the CEF fund of Thu Duc district, we are able to repair houses, get better means to work, and be assured of long-term working for the company. Although the amount is not large, for us, it is the salvation of the sick times, it represents the solidarity of the employees ”. Our employees strongly believe in the direction of the Board of Directors, we are committed to making an effort to complete the growth target with the Board of Directors.

Also at the conference, Tan Thanh’s Trade Union commended and rewarded 25 groups and 67 individuals with outstanding achievements and actively contributed to the Trade Union's activities. This commendation was to recognize the positive contributions of them, as well as to encourage everyone to strive to fulfill the goals set out in 2012. Annual Employee Conference 2012 was held successfully and ended at 10:30 am on the same day.

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