Tan Thanh inaugurated the men’s football mini game 2019

Tan Thanh inaugurated the 2019 men's football mini game to celebrate the National Day September 02nd and the Trade Union Congress for the term of 2019-2024.
In the afternoon of August 22, 2019, Tan Thanh Company's Trade Union organized the 2019 men's football mini game - A friendly, useful playground to light up the sport spirit of Tan Thanh employees.
??The attendants include: Deputy General Director, Ms. Kieu Ngoc Phuong.
The President of the Trade Union - Mr. Tran Van Hung, Director of the Tan Thanh Syrup Factory - Mr. Tran Van Phong, and the entire employees of the Tan Thanh Sơmi Rơmoóc Factory.
This is an opportunity for departments in the company to unite, together build a strong and develop team.
Physical and sports activities also help employees improve their health, build healthy lifestyles, and bring excitement for Tan Thanh’s employees.
The fighting spirit together with the enthusiastic cheers of the Tan Thanh supporters contributed to making the fun and comfortable moments after stressful working hours.
Some pictures of the football game:
#tanthanhcontainer, #hoithaotanthanh2019, #bongdaminigame2019