Tan Thanh Union aids members with fatal illnesses

With the traditional beauty of the spirit of solidarity, “The leaves protect tattered ones” as well as the readiness in order to join hands to help each other when one is suffering from the struggle situation of the Tan Thanh Company’s members, on September 25 2019, Mr. Tran Van Hung-The Labor Union President, along with Mr. Vo Van Dien-The Union Deputy Technical Director representing the Board of Directors and the Trade Union executive committee visited and encouraged Mr. Vo Van Gioi who worked at The Interior Decoration Team of Tan Thanh.
In addition, he gave him the money donated by other company’s members joining hands to help him cover the cost of treatment. With the hope that this will energize and give motivation to help Mr. Gioi overcome the difficulty, conquer this terrible sickness.

Tan Thanh Trade Union helps members in difficult circumstances.
Mr. Gioi is now in the ending stage of Chronic Kidney Disease treatment -Mechanical Mitral Valve. At present, Mr.Gioi is taking treatment at Cho Ray Hospital. Currently, Mr.Gioi has to have the blood transfusion and Hemodialysis three times a week, he has difficulty in eating as well as speaking because he has neck and hand surgery in order to transfuse blood. Moreover, his family is under preferential treatment policy, their 2 children all work far from home, he is now living with his wife in a small rented-room in Thu Duc district.
When knowing about Mr.Gioi’s illness and difficult circumstance, The Board of Directors and Union executive committee motivated and called members of Tan Thanh for fund donation with the amount subject to their generosity, to voluntarily contribute, donate and share a part of treatment fee, help Mr.Gioi and his family overcome this struggle time.
This action has featured the traditional beauty of the spirit of solidarity, the coalition, mutual assistance of the company members. At the same time, this shows an intensive care and the responsibility of The Board Director and The Union executive committee in taking care of the Tan Thanh Container staff’s life and morale.
#TanThanhUnion #TanThanhContainer #Joinhandtohelpdifficultcircumstance #TanThanh #Spiritofsolidarity #Theleavesprotecttatteredones #containerstore #containertracking #containerbooth