The finale of the 2015 karaoke competition by Tan Thanh company

The final round of the 2015 karaoke competition of Tan Thanh company was held at the Hall of the Labor Federation of Thu Duc district at 8:00 am on March 15, 2015 at No. 17, Le Quy Don street, Binh Tho ward, Thu Duc district.
Attending the finale, there were the Board of Directors of Tan Thanh company, the executive committee of the trade union of Tan Thanh company, representatives of the trade union executive committee of Thu Duc district, and Tan Thanh company’s employees
After the elimination round, the contestants having 11 best performances were selected to participate in the finale. All the performances were elaborately prepared, especially the costumes which were well prepared to be in accordance with the song.
The final round of the karaoke competition for Tan Thanh’s employees took place extremely excitingly, attractively and dramatically.
The winner was Ms. Dao Thi Huyen Trang (Sales staff of Equipment Trading Company) with the performance named Gratitude to Ms. Vo Thi Sau, Composer: Nguyen Duc Toan.
The runner-up was Mr. Dao The Chung (Engineer of OCDC Company) with the performance named Mother Legen, Composer: Trinh Cong Son
The third prize belonged to Ms. Le Thi Thuy Hang (Accountant of OCDC Company) with the performance named the girls of the Mekong Delta, Composer: Hoang Tho
3 consolation prizes belonged to 1 employee of the Marketing Department and 2 employees of Transportation Company.
Ms. Nguyen Ngoc Loan (Customer care staff of the Marketing Department) with the performance named Mung tuoi me _Composer: Tran Long An.
Ms. Pham Thi Loan (Customer care staff of the Marketing Department) with the performance named Mung tuoi me _Composer: Tran Long An.
Nguyễn Mậu Thị Thùy(Accountant of Transportation Company) with the performance named Moi tram _ Composer: Quoc Bao;
Accordingly, the karaoke competition aiming to celebrate the 105th anniversary of the International Women's Day (1910-2015) and 1975 years of Hai Ba Trung uprising was successfully completed. This is a fun and healthy playground for employees of Tan Thanh company. Hopefully playgrounds like this will be held more often, giving employees the opportunity to show their talent to communicate, and get closer to each orther.
(Marketing Department)